Kid’s Music Lessons
At Whole Music. we offer music lessons for kids of all ages and abilities. With our holistic approach to playing and learning, kids are able to tap into their creative energies, work on goal setting and time management, develop their skills and confidence, and so much more! We love watching our students grow into their musical abilities and being able to foster a creative community for the kids in our community and beyond.
Our teachers and our teaching approach is based on EJ’s Whole Music philosophy that we all have innate music ability. Our approach is fun, kind and creative. EJ brings his 45 years of teaching experience having taught over 8000 thousand kids in and out of the hood. Many have chosen music careers and most all continue to play music passionately on their chosen instrument.
EJO whole Music is not your ordinary music school:-)
Parents love our virtual instruction. Kids are tuned in and Whole Music Teachers are too:)
Virtual Kid’s Lessons Available!